Monday, March 10

Tag: ashura

Wie Fastet Man Ashura

Wie Fastet Man Ashura

Wie Fastet Man Ashura. He is a proficient water breathing style user. Fasting on muharram 10, known as the day of ‘ashura’, expiates for the sins of the past year.10 reasons of why Akoya Seishu is the baddest character in from www.reddit.comAnnounce to the people that whoever has eaten should fast the rest of the day, and whoever has not eaten should fast (the whole day), because today is the 'ashura (10th day of muharram). that very year the fast of ramadan was ordained and the obligation to Ashura falls on the 10th day of the first month of the islamic calendar, which is muharram. It is the first month of the hijri calendar and is. (more…)